Who are you? A collection of gnomes from Ak'Anon, we have joined together in fellowship and camaraderie to fight for all things that are dear to the Gnomish People and all of Ak'Anon. We know that each member's path may be different from anothers. We hold no biases on religious views or classes of each member. We are united underneath a common goal, that of the glory of the gnomish people. From brotherhood comes unity, from unity comes strength. We have the respect and admiration of our friends, and the fear and jealousy of our enemies. The clocks shall never stop running as long as we are here. |
| What do you do? Our goals are as thus: -Protection of all gnomish people, regardless of descent, class, or religious standing. -To further the causes of the gnomish race in all that we do. -To be trustworthy, respectful, accountable, and friendly to those not of our race until circumstances dictate otherwise. -To act with honor in combat, and not steal other's kills or bring an entire pack on others. -To be friendly and respectful to others within the guild, for they are your brothers and sisters of the Gnomish Race. |
How do I join? Our membership is only limited by your blood. If you are not of Ak'Anon descent, then unfortunately, you cannot be a member. If however, you have been blessed with Brell Serellis' grace, then ask an Officer, and they shall endeavor to let you know what our requirements are. |